Subject: Evolution v. Creation Science... Author: Jerry Kallmyer Uploaded By: PATMOSCHUR Date: 5/22/1995 File: CBSE.TXT (1142 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 119 Equipment: IBM PC Needs: DOS Organization headquartered 30 miles North of Baltimore is making major strides combatting the onslaught of atheism based science instruction in the public school classroom. It has forced an alteration of curriculum in the Harford County Public Schools and has been successful at getting legislators to endorse a Bill to provide for the teaching of alternatives alongside evolution, including, according to teachers' discretion, scientific creationism. Learn how to organization in your own community by adopting the model proven effective in Maryland. Citizens for Better Science in Education is having a dramatic, widespread impact in many other parts of the U.S. as it shares its experiences. Launch an initiative in your community NOW!